Super Secret Bonus Content! Aledys, PDQ# version
As promised once upon a blog post, here's Aledys, PDQ Sharp style! Or at least one version of her. My Name? They call me … Aledys van de Zeldenthuis I must confess, I’m known to have a Foible or two …Tomboy in a Man's Job. My strongest desire, my greatest hope, my Motivation (Good [+2] Forte) is …Wealth! And my Past (Good [+2] Forte), which has helped make me what I am today, is …Failed Novice. You might say that my Swashbuckling (Good [+2]) Forte is …Fencing Fortes? Why yes—I’ve several! Good (+2) Pirate Good (+2) Gear--Grandfather's Rutter Good (+2) Gear--Letter of Marque Good (+2) Winning Smile And Techniques? Certes, monsieur! Idiom: Daring (chained to Fencing) Weapon: Cutlass (chained to Fencing) Situation: When Outnumbered (chained to Fencing) Situation: When Commanding (chained to Pirate) Not enough of me yet? Ah yes, I know the feeling… Perhaps this assortment of Miscellany will tide you over, hmm? Tall, solidly built, blonde and...