Technical Aside

Full credit where it's due.  Some technical assistance for this project will be provided by the Crown Princess of Trans-shipped Goods.

My Cub likes pirates almost as much as she likes cowboys and princesses.  She has the pink-ribbon'd skull and crossbones temporary tattoo to prove it, although for now she's more Jake and the Neverland Pirates than Pirates of the Caribbean.

She's agreed to help Baba with his project--mostly rolling dice and maybe posing next to the table once in a while for the fun of it.  She gets to spend quality time with me, I get to find out if my horrendous luck with dice is inherited, and the project will get updates that much faster because I'll have someone pestering me to let her play with my toys.  Sounds like a win-win-win to me!

If someday in the future you end up across the table from a cute lil' Asian kid in a Molly Roger tee shirt whose Space Marines use a Hello Kitty pink and white paint scheme, you'll know who to blame and why.


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