Side Note: New Stuff Coming!

I mentioned earlier that there will be more than just a piratical tomboy running amok in Lemuria, yes?  A few data points in this general trend.

One, not long after my birthday, Ed officially released the next version of 5010: New Beginnings, which is called Urban Renewal.  Along with Urban Renewal, he put together a supplement to handle private investigator gaming, Ed-style.  And if there's one thing Bish loved more than swashbuckling, it was a good bit of pulpy noir with strong sci-fi touches.  My copy is currently in the mail, winging its way to me, and when it arrives, I shall have to dedicate some time to cobbling something together.

Two, Ed is hard at work on an expansion to And A Bottle Of Rum.  He himself warned me to be on the lookout for a few After Action Reports on the subject.  Guess what's now on my wish list?

Two point one.  By Savvy and Steel is set in 1620 or thereabouts, and Bottle of Rum starts in 1660, so the other Frisian Tomboy running amok is likely to be someone completely different rather than a contemporary of our Aledys.  Also, BSS is set in the mythical European nation of Edenstein, which is possibly not too far away from Ruritania.  A certain controversy has broken out over the proper pronunciation of the country (ED-ehn-stein versus EE-den-stein, with the first finding more favor in the confines of my noggin) so I very much hesitate to ask about the flag and national anthem.


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