Another Brief Aside

I'm leveling up tomorrow, going from 42 to 43, and for various reasons haven't had the time to do another month in Aledys's exploits.  Next week, though!

In the meantime, as my birthday present to myself, I added two more of Ed's games to my collection, one of which WILL be showing up.  I already had Larger Than Life and Adventures In The Lost Lands, and now I have Motor City BC to go with them!  Because nothing says furious pulp action like dinosaurs and Caddy convertibles!  So far I think my favorite thing in Motor City is the "Where's the Yum?" table, which comes into play when Mister T-Rex realizes that chomping on the outside of an M4A3 Sherman Tank doesn't taste very good.

Motor City is, by the by, an excellent example of why I like Ed's work so much.  According to the author's notes, it came about because Ed posted an AAR about a T-Rex meeting a Sherman Tank and the author (John Cunningham by name) asked if that was really how things would turn out.  Said Ed, "lay it on me--how do you think this it should play out?" and the rest is history.  I've met designers who would recoil from such a question, or bristle and depart in a huff, or insist that there's no mistake here.  Not Ed.  So John wrote Motor City BC, and we have rules for what happens when a Victorian Steam Tank gets mistaken for a rival by a very confused Triceratops during mating season.

(The other game is By Savvy and Steel and is the royal musketeer equivalent of And A Bottle Of Rum.  Gonna do that one eventually, too.  Aledys has this cousin back in Europe, and surely another Frisian Tomboy running amok won't cause too much trouble...)


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