Super Secret Bonus Content! Aledys, PDQ# version

As promised once upon a blog post, here's Aledys, PDQ Sharp style!  Or at least one version of her.

My Name? They call meAledys van de Zeldenthuis
I must confess, I’m known to have a Foible or two…Tomboy in a Man's Job.
My strongest desire, my greatest hope, my Motivation (Good [+2] Forte) is…Wealth!
And my Past (Good [+2] Forte), which has helped make me what I am today, is…Failed Novice.
You might say that my Swashbuckling (Good [+2]) Forte is…Fencing
Fortes? Why yes—I’ve several!
Good (+2)  Pirate
Good (+2)  Gear--Grandfather's Rutter
Good (+2)  Gear--Letter of Marque
Good (+2) Winning Smile

And Techniques? Certes, monsieur!
Idiom: Daring (chained to Fencing)
Weapon: Cutlass (chained to Fencing)
Situation: When Outnumbered (chained to Fencing)
Situation: When Commanding (chained to Pirate)

Not enough of me yet? Ah yes, I know the feeling… Perhaps this assortment of Miscellany will tide you over, hmm?  Tall, solidly built, blonde and blue-eyed with a smattering of freckles across her nose, she is handsome rather than pretty, and thanks to being raised as a boy by her wayward grandsire, she swaggers in a manner that accentuates the aura of confidence she bears.

Aledys was very briefly sent to a convent school after her grandfather's untimely passing.  They tried to make a good little nun-to-be out of her.  It didn't work very well.  Technically she's a fugitive from sanctuary, but they probably don't really want her back after that incident with the wine and the Mother Superior and that pack of overly excited beagles at the English embassy.  (It was all just a misunderstanding!  Just ask Aledys.  Or don't.)

The letter of marque and rutter were both supposed to be her father's.  She's, uhm, appropriated them as is her right as heir presumptive.  The Rutter counts for navigation tasks and general area knowledge, potentially also aiding some contacts or trading attempts depending on the circumstances.  The uses for a Letter of Marque are pretty obvious, one hopes.

In play, if this were a tabletop game, her current Temporary Fortes would most likely be Minions, to represent her crew.

I may also stat her for Honor+Intrigue, which is another good little swashbuckling game, and maybe might be possibly will ask a friend who has it to try building her in 7th Sea (about which I have heard much, read little, and played none at all).


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