Best Laid Plans...

Note the lack of update.  This will give you some idea of how busy things are over here!

When I'm not trying to find a moment to look over the PI stuff for Urban Renewal, taking notes for another side project involving the a Quarter-ton Reconnaissance Truck and velociraptors with shotguns, scribbling notes for the other swashbuckling project in the works for a Frisian Tomboy running amok in Edenstein, or generally muddling about with a Zhuh-Zhuh battlecruiser dubbed The Big Banana for its bright yellow paint job...I'm suffering the slings and arrows of springtime allergies because the trees are very happy, getting smacked with yet another nasty cold making the rounds of the office, or just plain being exhausted.

In the meantime, Ed has presented me with a beta copy of his new supplement for Bottle of Rum.  And it rocks.  All I will tell you is that shore leave has now gotten a little more interesting!  I'm going to wait until this is officially published before I'll include anything in my posts, but it's already changed the direction of Aledys's wanderings.  (It helps that both the towns introduced have a 'historical' location on the Caribbean map, but may be placed wherever you like on the Colonial Lemurian one.)


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