You Can Tell Mister Harry I'm Nearly There...

Blades in the Dark is coming.  Coming soon.  Sooooooooooooon.  Like, tomorrow soon.  As in the backerkit is like unto to launch while I am stuck and work and unable to do much about it until I return home.  I admit that this is a good thing, because if I could get to it at work, I might not do anything else for a bit but read and chuckle maniacally.

So I'm off to re-watch a few good heist movies (Ocean's Eleven, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) for the one-liners.  And maybe that new BBC show that's just about perfect for this.

Anyway, this means that the Koneko House Blend game (my, uhm, all-catgirl version) will be going through some officially mandated adjustments, particularly where Tier and Hold are concerned.  Since we've only just gotten started, and haven't done much more that char-and-crew-gen and set the opening scene with ol' Bazzer* and his sales pitch, it won't be too much of an imposition.  I hope.

So if you see any of the following little scoundrels lurking about, you know who to blame.

* For no particularly clear reason, whenever I think of the character Baszo Baz (one of the gang leaders in BitD) I always imagine him as a youngish Bob Hoskins.  I admit this is very odd because I always think of Mr. Hoskins as Eddie Valiant instead of Uncle Bart (from Unleashed).


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