More HeroForge Goodness

Slowly but surely, HeroForge is coming up to speed and adding new functions and new options!  So here's Octavia yet again, this time a little more stylishly dressed and with a more accurate hairdo.

Also, with my last post in mind, I did a little extra tinkering about and came up with this...a happy little Equine-blooded Halfer with an avid interest in premeditated self-defense and a burning desire for fiscal improvement, ready to hire on to any passing ship that needs a spare hand.  Say hello, Mieko!
If I ever figure out her stats, I'll post 'em.  If  I were to play the pre-gens, I'd probably shoot for the Drifter (Impoverished Scoundrel Explorer) or the Wrecker (Rustic Clandestine Industrial).

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