Another Bishrook Tribute

So of course while I'm working on my in-house adaptation of the world of Barsoom for a certain project involving blue Martians (cough*asari*cough), returning oceans, and a much older Carthoris and Tara (played in my mind's eye by Anthony Hopkins and Rene Russo, reprising their roles as Odin and Frigga) I found the need for a proper cameo for my old friend.

I'm not really happy with the choice of flaw--too many good options that would work--but for all her swashbuckling bravado, Bish's characters always had a good dose of devotion to social justice in their outlook, so I'm going with the 'anti-bully loadout'.

So here she is. Give her a good ship in need of a steady hand at the controls, would you?

Stafi Ruk
Dashing Red Martian Airship Pilot

Cunning 4
Daring 8
Empathy 5
Might 4
Passion 5
Reason 6

Lords of the Air (Grade 4)
Your people are the undisputed masters of flight and you are among their most elite fliers. You can
push a ship to perform in ways others cannot, gaining speed and performance beyond its normal
Circumstance: When piloting or commanding an airship.
Effect: When piloting or commanding an airship, gain a bonus d20 for all tests relating to complex aerial maneuvers or tactics, including attempts to evade attacks or aerial chases. Also, any ship you command or pilot is considered to have 1 additional rank of armor, allowing it to ignore 1 point of stress per attack.

Witty Repartee (Grade 2)
Your tongue is as quick and lithe as your blade! You are always able to slip in a comment or call out important information to your allies even during the tensest situations. 
Circumstance: When performing an action.
Effect: You may always take an additional Spoken action as part of an attack, defense, or other action.

Heroic Fury
Your courage is complemented by hot-blooded righteousness. When faced with an act of wrongdoing or oppression, every turn you spend not acting to stop it causes you to lose 2 Momentum.

Accolades and Renown
Rank: Dwar

Core Equipment
A finely made longsword, given to her by her father


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