Flynn Rider? Whozzat?

Blades in the Dark has landed!  In PDF mode, at least--the hardcopy stage should be happening in April, if the schedule holds up.  Now that I've had about a week to read and digest the changes and apply them to Koneko House Blend, I can honestly say that I'm quite pleased with the adjustments made, particularly in the way that the initial relationships to other factions are set up.

Now to see how this changes all those lovely, lovely hacks and additional playsets that are in the pipeline!  Also gotta budget the Floofy One's alter egos through Hero Forge, even though Blades is not the sort of tabletop RPG that needs a scale map and minis to go with it.

With this outfit on her garment grid, she can set up a score to snatch her own dang tiaras whenever she likes...engagement roll permitting.  That oughta keep her somewhat distracted.  Not that Darryl counts as one of the Stabbington brothers...


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