More Fun With HeroForge

Not Avalon, honest!  This is Katana's namesake.  I'm still playing around with the options...but she's aiming to be more of a 5150 / Uncharted Worlds / Scum and Villainy lass.

These three are the 'official' build.  The obvious signature weapon is obvious.

Here's alternate pose and with the weapons switched out and a different expression, because while she plays a LOT more roughly than Avalon ever did, she doesn't seem to be an Angry Grrl.  Just sort of kittenishly predatory with great enthusiasm.  Katana of the Burn Flats, maybe.  She'd fit into the Kawaii Konekoclypse nicely.

And here's a variant for Future Tales--Katana, Princess of Planet X!  I'd have used an energy sword or something but Hero Forge doesn't have one as an option.  Cutoffs would probably be better than the studded jeans, too.

"You call me PRINCESS Cheesecake, you goob!"

A closeup of the 'mischievous me' expression, as opposed to the 'RAWR' one.  I actually think this suits her far better, but the ferocious face is sort of traditional.

And finally, Katana Jones, Tomb Raider...

If I do this one, I'll probably put the holster on her other hip and add a whip.  Because tradition.  And maybe a fedora.  Because tradition.  But the katana stays.

In the meantime, I'm seriously playing around with 'borrowing' Ed's setting of New Hope City for both Uncharted Worlds and a certain Blades in the Dark hack called Scum and Villainy.  I may even try a little bit of fanfic in here.


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