A Few Notes
No Thank You Evil
My deluxe copy of No Thank You, Evil! arrived Monday evening. Tomorrow we're going to give this baby a proper try-out under fire now that we've all the bells and whistles to go with it. One of her cousins, who is a terrifically talented budding artist, has been asked to draw my Cub's character for her as well if and when we can ever get together and get the kids around a table for about an hour so Unca Harry can show 'em how this works. Better yet, she's got a couple of friends who may well be willing to join in!
Spaaaaace Opera
Alas, the Black Box Traveler game hit a snag and so my space opera jones is roaring back in full force at about the same time I'm hoping to free up time to playtest another fine historical hack of Apocalypse World by the clever, talented, and patient D. Pignedoli, whose City of Judas I also tested. Can't tell you what this one's about just yet, but it's pretty awesome. Like Wield, though, it's not really amenable to online setup and play due to the method of setting construction (some assembly is required) and so has to wait until our current GM hits a point where he needs a few weeks off.
Buckle My Swash
Got convinced to back 7th Sea Second Edition, now the most funded tabletop game kickstarter ever. Now, normally I'd prefer Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies (or PDQ#) for my derring-do and wild acrobatic exploits with flintlock and rapier, but John Wick went and did something that got my interest up. Second Edition will be a global sort of project, not just pseudo-Europe. And if you know me, you probably also know that I'm only too happy to support projects that add a more diverse approach to the hobby--Spears of the Dawn, for example, and the upcoming Renegade Jennys and Boilerjacks both come to mind. Which brings me to a bit of a dilemma.
On the one hand, it is so totally freakin' awesome that we get the notAmericas and notAfrica as well as the Crescent Empire...and hopefully some day we'll see the unAsian subcontinent and far sortaCathay as well. On the other hand, there's always the risk that in an honest attempt to be more diverse, someone is gonna lapse into some unfortunate cliches (like what happened with Bruce Cordell and The Strange RPG). I'm going to reserve further comment and hope hope hope that nobody drops a thermal detonator into the ship's magazine in the process.
Aside from that, I like what I'm seeing in the quickstart very much, and amused that one of the five pregens is more or less the sort of character I like to play right out of the box. (She even comes with a potential romantic subplot that made me giggle like an evil panda for several moments when I read it.) What little I know of the first ed (don't have it, never played it, but borrowed it and read a friend's copy once) they've streamlined and improved the game a bit.
My deluxe copy of No Thank You, Evil! arrived Monday evening. Tomorrow we're going to give this baby a proper try-out under fire now that we've all the bells and whistles to go with it. One of her cousins, who is a terrifically talented budding artist, has been asked to draw my Cub's character for her as well if and when we can ever get together and get the kids around a table for about an hour so Unca Harry can show 'em how this works. Better yet, she's got a couple of friends who may well be willing to join in!
Spaaaaace Opera
Alas, the Black Box Traveler game hit a snag and so my space opera jones is roaring back in full force at about the same time I'm hoping to free up time to playtest another fine historical hack of Apocalypse World by the clever, talented, and patient D. Pignedoli, whose City of Judas I also tested. Can't tell you what this one's about just yet, but it's pretty awesome. Like Wield, though, it's not really amenable to online setup and play due to the method of setting construction (some assembly is required) and so has to wait until our current GM hits a point where he needs a few weeks off.
Buckle My Swash
Got convinced to back 7th Sea Second Edition, now the most funded tabletop game kickstarter ever. Now, normally I'd prefer Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies (or PDQ#) for my derring-do and wild acrobatic exploits with flintlock and rapier, but John Wick went and did something that got my interest up. Second Edition will be a global sort of project, not just pseudo-Europe. And if you know me, you probably also know that I'm only too happy to support projects that add a more diverse approach to the hobby--Spears of the Dawn, for example, and the upcoming Renegade Jennys and Boilerjacks both come to mind. Which brings me to a bit of a dilemma.
On the one hand, it is so totally freakin' awesome that we get the notAmericas and notAfrica as well as the Crescent Empire...and hopefully some day we'll see the unAsian subcontinent and far sortaCathay as well. On the other hand, there's always the risk that in an honest attempt to be more diverse, someone is gonna lapse into some unfortunate cliches (like what happened with Bruce Cordell and The Strange RPG). I'm going to reserve further comment and hope hope hope that nobody drops a thermal detonator into the ship's magazine in the process.
Aside from that, I like what I'm seeing in the quickstart very much, and amused that one of the five pregens is more or less the sort of character I like to play right out of the box. (She even comes with a potential romantic subplot that made me giggle like an evil panda for several moments when I read it.) What little I know of the first ed (don't have it, never played it, but borrowed it and read a friend's copy once) they've streamlined and improved the game a bit.
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