Crossovers for Fun and Profit!
As some of the folks with whom I correspond on certain online gaming forums are only too well aware, I have a major jones for trying out Uncharted Worlds. However, I'm also fond of certain OSR material, so when someone I shan't name (to protect his reputation) posted an ad for an old black-box Traveler game, I jumped at the chance. It's been a very, very long time since I had any chance to put my copy of Trav to any use, so I hauled it out and started rolling dice, and as often happens found more inspiration than I expected! So for your amusement, I present two versions of Dame Lieutenant Commander Marguerite Francesca Krakeni . There are two versions because along with my tendencies toward low plagiarism (see previous posts), I also tend to recycle character concepts that I find enjoyable and interesting. At the moment, only the Traveler version is going to be in play. TRAVELER STATS 4873BB Age 34 4 Terms 45000Cr (before equipment pur...
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