Plot Bunny Number 5013a

Too many games, too many ideas, too few players, not nearly enough time.


While my aforementioned jones for Uncharted Worlds is likely to be getting satisfied by a certain black-box game of Traveler, I still have plot bunnies that sink their nasty, sharp, pointy fangs into my sensorium and refuse to turn loose.  Here is today's entry, which is the official posting of something that's been running amok like an over-caffeinated anthropomorphic little Raccoon kid with a super-soaker and easily embarrassed older siblings.

An all-catgirl reskin of something Firefly-ish with a dash of Flash Gordon and written by Rumiko Takahashi and directed by Nabeshin and Ralph Bakshi.

Blasters, cutlasses, battle-bikinis, and a hint of fanservice along with incredible special effects and the occasional planet being destroyed by accident.

Yes, this is probably sillier than most UW games would be.  That's how I roll.


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