Holey Carp, Is That The Time?

I owe, I owe, I owe an update to this!  And Aledys is probably sick and tired of being stuck at sea by now.

A bit of news, though--I recently backed a thing called Uncharted Worlds, which is  a space opera game that uses Vince Baker's Apocalypse World system.  About five minutes in, I was reminded of one of Ed's many, many projects...and so I'm also now looking over my copy of 5150: Urban Renewal because New Hope City is a perfect setting for something like UW.

(Another fifteen microseconds of fame...here I am in the credits along with all the other Kickstarters:

(Credit where it's due--my current fanboyish blather about Apocalypse World is at least a little bit due to a fellow named Delos who writes stuff like this:  Ramblings of Jacob and Delos    Just don't ask him about Sin and her tendency to make heads explode!  The special memories of that first game may not yet have faded.)

Also, the good folks at Hero Forge have been adding to their stock of bits and pieces, so I have a few new ideas with which to play.  One of them is this Foxy lass who may or may not attend Saint Trinian's.  Or maybe Saint Erisian's.  Because what every urban fantasy game needs is a kitsune with an AK-74, a Hello Kitty backpack, her very own steampunk goggles, and an emo haircut.

Oh, and there's that No Thank You Evil thing that Monte Cook Games is going to be publishing soon.  I thought someone was going to try and go for a Princess, but noooooooo, she decided on a Spy instead.  Binge-watching the Spy Kids movies right before I finally got the (playtest grade) preview copy of the rules might have had something to do with that.  And now that she's found out about Kim Possible, I think I know where Babygirl's first official adventures are going to go.

(Ahem!  Over here...  No Thank You, Evil!  )

A few other things I've supported are due out soonish, including Blades in the Dark, the eagerly anticipated Epyllion*, the just as eagerly awaited Legend of the Elements, and the oft-delayed but steadily advancing Far West.  I'll have more to say about those when time permits.

* the excited squeal when someone learned that yes, she could play a pink Chinese dragon in this if she wanted to still echoes in my ears almost a year later.


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