
Showing posts from July, 2014

Super Secret Bonus Content! Aledys, PDQ# version

As promised once upon a blog post, here's Aledys, PDQ Sharp style!  Or at least one version of her. My Name? They call me … Aledys van de Zeldenthuis I must confess, I’m known to have a Foible or two …Tomboy in a Man's Job. My strongest desire, my greatest hope, my Motivation (Good [+2] Forte) is …Wealth! And my Past (Good [+2] Forte), which has helped make me what I am today, is …Failed Novice. You might say that my Swashbuckling (Good [+2]) Forte is …Fencing Fortes? Why yes—I’ve several! Good (+2)  Pirate Good (+2)  Gear--Grandfather's Rutter Good (+2)  Gear--Letter of Marque Good (+2) Winning Smile And Techniques? Certes, monsieur! Idiom: Daring (chained to Fencing) Weapon: Cutlass (chained to Fencing) Situation: When Outnumbered (chained to Fencing) Situation: When Commanding (chained to Pirate) Not enough of me yet? Ah yes, I know the feeling… Perhaps this assortment of Miscellany will tide you over, hmm?  Tall, solidly built, blonde and...

May 1660: At Long Last (And About Bloody Time!)

First of all, a quick recap... Aledys and her happy band of misfit miscreants are prowling around this particular bit of Lemuria (Area 6): And her current fleet consists of Lily of Anjou (now under the capable command of English Edward, a Rep 4 Born Leader) and the new flagship Gertrude of Ulm , which used to be a Lung Ho junk. As usual, we start with the Random Event check, and the results are not doubles, so there's nothing special about May.  This is probably a good thing. After some consultation with her new crew and some griping and complaining about having to risk curried food on any new prizes, Aledys and Edward decide that it would be better to get away from the Lung Ho and Chang Wang for a bit (just in case) and so set sail for Area 5. This gives a whole new couple of, possible encounters, being in the main the largely Hindi kingdom of Alawar and the Sikh kingdom of Vendya .  None of these worthies are exactly easy pickings, but they...