
Showing posts from November, 2016

Katana Jones and the Pocatello Kid, Part One

Hey, remember I threatened you with fan-fiction?  Here we go--generated by Ed's sci fi pulptastic Future Tales and starring this pretty little grrl in all her ferocious predatory glory. Unfortunately, Hero Forge does not have appropriately "Buck Rogers" options for their miniatures, so she's still more Apocalypse World / the Sprawl than she is Forbidden Planet.  Them's the breaks. Katana Jones Rep 5 SS3 Scavenger Star (Humanoid Alien) (Power 5) Brawler +1d6 in Melee Quick Reflexes +1d6 on In Sight tests (Racial) Laser Pistol Solid Melee Weapon (Up to 5 items) Home: Rural/Salvage Myrna Rep 4 SS3 Exotic Grunt (Humanoid Alien) (Power 2) Pilot (Counts as Rep 5 when piloting Starcraft) Stunning (+2d6 when taking Talk the Talk test vs. affected parties)(Racial) Opening Scene generates thusly:  1d6+5 on the Person or Thing Table is a 9 Find/Rescue Person...5 clues needed to unlock the final scene.  1d6 for specific sort of case...5 means the V...