What, Me Playtest? First Impressions of Thirsty Sword Lesbians
So apropos of nothin' in particular, I got a PM from a guy I've known for ages out on a certain gaming forum. In brief, he wrote something along the lines of "have you heard of this? It seems to be relevant to your interests" and tagged on a URL. This URL, to be precise. Well, no, I hadn't, and I spent part of my lunch hour looking up the site over at Evil Hat. And then my feminine side, who you may have gathered is a frisky little Anthro at the calmest of times, imaginarily grabbed my collar, gave me a vaguely predatory grin, and in my mind's ear said, more or less, "do it for Steph!" And that , dear readers, is how I volunteered to help playtest something called Thirsty Sword Lesbians, once again finding myself looking over a game that my dear friend would have enjoyed quite thoroughly. Because yes, it is more or less what it says on the tin: Lesbians, with swords, thirsting for relationships and romance and all that shojo-ai cuddly goodn...
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