What, me behind schedule?

Horribly so. Incredibly, horribly, terribly so.

But one of the projects I helped kickstart has finally gotten off their feet and started beta production, so I can share.

Hero Forge dot com does custom 3D printed miniatures (check em out! https://www.heroforge.com/).  Needless to say, I jumped on that bandwagon tout de suite in hopes of finally getting something a little closer to what's in my noggin for certain characters.  And as it turns out, one of the miniatures I've designed (eventually to be shipped--I'm waiting for some additional features to be ready to complete the build) was deliberately and with homage aforethought one of bishrook's characters.

I give you one private investigator Octavia Blake, ready to wander the mean streets of a modernish or sci-fi city in search of mischief and miscreants:

Regrettably, her hair just wouldn't work out right, so I went with a tight braid (if I remember Steph's original description it was suppose to be long and curly).

One of the other minis I designed was a lass only too well known to Octavia, and whose role has been so very much fun to write--my very own pain in the tail Chinese demigoddess, the Beautiful Monkey Princess.  This is the current version, since she just didn't look right with the biker jacket.  Now, as established in our games, she should have a nine-ring broadsword instead of a staff, but I couldn't help myself.  Now if only I'll have a monkey as an option for a familiar...

More swashbuckly stuff to come soonish, if all goes well.


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