Yet Another Reskinning
On a gaming forum I frequent, someone decided to do a freeform Zootopia sandbox game. No worries there, but...well, once some of the other characters were posted, I found myself coming up with Story and Role combinations for them. It being the height of Bad Form to post another game on that particular forum built around the same general lines as that first one, I've held off even though our original GM has vanished. (The game is doing just fine, by the by, in the hands of the co-GM.) So right now, this is one of those semi-hacks that I wanna run if time ever permits! ZOOTOPIA '77 Basically just straight Spirit of 77 with an all Furry cast: because the visual of a jive-fluent Tiger in a white leisure suit and an Afro boogieing on down to the disco on a Saturday night amuses me. Khan! Just talkin' about the Tiger. Can you dig it? If you must, imagine Zootopia as written and directed by the Coen Brothers, Quentin Tarantino, and Guy Ritchie. ...